
How to be a High School Scholar

Never Procrastinate


There’s a famous saying that is “procrastination is the thief of time.”This saying is actually very true since procrastination really does steal your time and leaves you with the least amount possible to do the things you have to do. When you get into high school many things change since some classes you might have one day and not the other so the way teachers give work is different from middle school. In middle school, homework would be given  every day and it would be due the next, so it was pretty hard to procrastinate. In high school most of the homework given  is due a couple days in after so it is very easy to put it off until the last minute. You should definitely not do this, if you have the time just use it. This even goes for test, when you know it’s coming up try to study every day prior to the test so on the last night you pretty much know everything and it’s just a quick review.

Take Beneficial Notes


In high school most teachers do a lot of lesson plans using power points. There is a lot of information that is packed into them so it is very hard to remember everything off the top of your head. Now some teachers do tell you to take notes but a lot of them don’t tell you since it is really your choice in what you want to do. Whether or not they tell you to take notes you should always do it  since it is very helpful. Now I don’t mean just writing exactly what the teacher is saying so you can get over with it or writing notes that will just make you seem like you’re doing something. I am talking about writing notes that will really make you understand the information so even if you go home and don’t remember something once you read it you know right away. A good tip for writing notes is to write them colors that are not black. For example light blue or red so that you just remember it more and when you see it, it kind of wakes you up if you’re getting tired in a class.

Do Not Be Afraid of Teachers


Many kids when they get into high school have a fear of the teachers and feel as if they will eat them alive. That should really not even be a thought in your mind going into high school. This is since most of the teachers actually want you to succeed, and even if it is not for you they know that their class has to have good grades so that even on their part it reflects how good of a teacher they are. In class if you feel like you know the answer but are too scared, still raise your hand and say it because 80% of the time you know what you’re talking about and once the teacher sees that you’re paying attention, involved in the lesson, and a smart kid you’re definitely going get on their good side. When there are things that you do not understand about the lesson you should never be afraid to raise your hand and ask about it since the teacher will know that you really do want to learn and are serious about your education.  The part that takes the most bravery when it comes to facing teachers(I would say)is when you have to meet with them alone. This is in a time where you didn’t quite understand the lesson the teacher had showed and feel like you need some extra time to review it. You should still go after school because chances are the teacher will tell you something that they forgot to mention to the class and  explain the material more so you can  grasp it.




How Taking Engineering Impacted My Life

       Last year I learned so many things in engineering. Engineering is the application of the knowledge in the form of science, mathematics, and evidence to the innovation, design, construction of structures machines and materials, devices, systems, and processes.” In regular words that means using science and math, energy and matter to design materials useful for people. Almost everything that we use on a daily basis is made by engineers. not just making giant huge inventions,even the most uncomplicated things in your house could take a whole league of engineers to create and innovate.  Like bridges, elevators, and toothbrushes to the cap of a water bottle can be made by engineers. A lot of information can be fit into the category of engineering.


         In the beginning of the year we learned a lot about lines and how they help us with our drawings. Line conventions are lines that are of different styles and thickness and they are usually used as specific ways to develop and communicate graphic messages about an object’s geometry. We learned about construction lines which are very lightly drawn lines that guide drawings,shapes and other lines.We also learned about the object line that is taken dark and defined so I checked. We learned about the hidden line that shows the interior detail that is not visible from the part. Another line we learned about that was not the last but one that I thought that was interesting was the extension line that shows where dimension would start and stop, it was used with dimension lines.


        We have focused very much on sketching different shapes in our  notebooks. One of the drawings that we learned was the perspective drawings, which I thought was the most intriguing and quickest to understand. The amazing thing about it is that it offers the most realistic three dimensional views of all the pictorial methods, because it portrays the object in a manner that is most similar to how the human eye perceives the visual world.

       We learned not only one point but three points. A one point was basically a simple drawing, that That is the least detailed out of the three.The two point perspective is the perspective that is most common and a lot of people know it. The three point perspective gives somebody looking at the whole picture a Birdseye view on the object which can be very useful to see a lot of interesting detail. It was my most favorite perspective to draw.


       When I grow up I would like to be a general practitioner but if that does not work out having a career involving engineering would not be a bad second option. When I did the brochure project I was focusing on a biomedical engineer. I learned so many things about them and about how their jobs are, it really did interest me. Some of the things that interested me was how they make prosthetics for people that don’t have limbs and need them which can really help people and they even come up with new designs to better help those in need.They also have salaries that can range from 52,000 to 140,000 a year which is a very solid salary that can really help you and make you very successful in life. Over all intro to engineering has really helped me improve and my knowledge of all the objects and technology around us in society are made and invented. I am so thankful to my engineering teacher for teaching me all of this.


Similarities Between Animal Farm and North Korea



    After reading Animal Farm by George Orwell I looked at what was currently happening in the world and saw how it resembled something very clearly. I compared it to how North Korea is right now. It seemed that the task would be difficult at first to find more similarities after I found a few but surprisingly it was easy to find numerous clear similarities in both. Animal Farm and North Korea are very similar since both of their governments/ leaderships are dictatorships and they have corrupt rule.



    One similarity that is clear is the way both leaders rule with a dictatorship. In North Korea, Kim Jun un is worshipped like a God and the people even chant “live 10 thousand years” symbolizing he should live forever and always be their ruler. In Animal Farm Napoleon is put so highly that a slogan about him is made saying “Napoleon is always right” which is said by Boxer the horse.  The people in North Korea also listen to anything that the leaders tell them even if they are ridiculous. For example when Kim Jong-il (father of Kim Jong-un) died it was a law that everyone had to publicly mourn for his death for 40 days. In Animal Farm the hens were given a mandatory task of laying 400 eggs a week which is insane. Another example of a law in Animal Farm that was pointless, but the animals had to follow was the animals having to wake up an hour earlier than the pigs(Napoleon- dictator and Squealer- his right hand) do, to do work.


The Second similarity is how both North Korea and Animal Farm run their government. The specific way they are similar is both depending heavily on censorship as a way of ruling. The people of North Korea are not allowed to go on google and search for something, so they are clueless to how wrong the government is controlling them . In Animal Farm the animals can not read so they do not  know how the pigs ruling them is unfair. Both the people of North Korea and the animals have what they do not know right in front of them so that it appears they are not being cheated of knowledge. For example, in North Korea their office computers have google on them but instead of searching for something the workers stay on that one screen staring blankly at it. In Animal Farm all their commandments are put on the wall publicly for the animals to see, but since they are illiterate they do not notice them being changed. Censorship also allows  both of the different rulers to give false information to their people. In North Korea the government tells them about all the gold medals they have that they have in fact not won in the Olympics and yet the people believe them. In Animal Farm there was a situation where Boxer was in a horse slaughter van but since the animals cannot read what it said on the van they thought he was going away to live a better life in retirement.  When they did eventually find out what was happening Squealer said to them “the van had previously been the property of a knacker and had been bought by the veterinary surgeon, who had not yet painted the old name” which was a lie. Since the animals didn’t know cases like that never happened they just went with it.


  Animal Farm and North Korea are very similar since both of their governments/ leaderships are dictatorships and they have corrupt rule.  Learning about both “ Animal Farm” and North Korea rule were both beneficial. It is something that people living in America have to deal with. This is concerning a very corrupt and unfair government where people have few to no rights and freedom of a voice. We should be very thankful to live in the country that we are living in today!


The Relationship Between Children and Parents in Romeo and Juliet


     Do you ever feel like your parents aren’t listening to your needs or desires? Or do you love someone so dearly you would die for that person? In the play Romeo and Juliet , the parents had a major role in the relationship between Romeo and Juliet and how they dealt with the fact that they wanted to be together. Romeo and Juliet’s parents ultimately are not responsible for one another actions, but if they had  been willing to put aside they’re hatred, differences, and prose to contribute to their children’s feelings, it wouldn’t have lead to unrashly decisions.


     The main conflict in Romeo and Juliet is feuding between the two families in the story. Romeo was born into the Montague family where Juliet was born into the Capulet’s. It first started as a simple grudge which then broke into complete hatred. The fighting had been going on for so long that the two families even forgot what they were fighting about but still had the feeling of hatred for each other. This made the star crossed lovers’ relationship not to go as planned evitable.


     Romeos parents care for him and his well-being which is demonstrated at the beginning of the play. Romeo’s parents Lord and Lady Montague make it very clear that they have been observing their son and being very attentive to all his actions, which are characteristics of loving parents. They even ask him about his sorrows, though unfortunately, Romeo does not confide in them. Their love had been so strong that they wouldn’t be able to live without one another. At the beginning of the play, we learn that Lady and Lord Montague partake a deep and concerning of Romeo’s wellbeing. At the end of the brawl between the two families, lady Montague quickly engages to ask Benvolio the whereabouts of Romeo, “o, where Romeo? Saw you him to-day?, In act 1 scene 1 “Right glad I am he was not at this fray’’. Lady Montague is showing her caring by checking up on her son after this heartfelt brawl. While Lord Montague is being observant of how Romeo has been holding himself down and staying in his room I’m torn. Juliet’s parents are more demanding and not as understanding of her, granted she is a female and at the time they did not have much say in crucial decisions as well as having few rights. Juliet’s relationship with her mother had been rocky at first because you see in Act 3 scene 5 she did not trust her mother as much as she trusted the nurse. She first lies to her mother letting her believe that she is weeping over the death of Tybalt her cousin, letting her mother intercept that she wants to seek revenge and hates Romeo. Lord Capulet had wanted and expected nothing but obedience from his daughter, not listening to her needs and disregarding all of that. “I would the fool were married to her grave,” He says this after Juliet refuses to marry Paris. He is saying that he wishes her dead, hurling insults on his daughter telling her to get out. Instead of listening to her, her parents tell her the suitor they want her to marry and demand her to marry him the following morning despite it being against her will


     Children and parents should have a very strong and balanced relationship with their parents, but it’s not a necessity that they must so that the children will end up the right way in the long run. Parents play a significant role in the lives of their children, how they grow up, and who they become, but at the end of the day everyone has free will and it is up to the children to make whatever they want out of either situation that is difficult like coming from a toxic or corrupt family vs coming from a loving or benevolent family.  


Furthermore in the play Romeo and Juliet the parents were responsible for how the children act and think. They had not been listening to what their children had wanted which had caused great devastation to everyone. Instead of putting their feuds and pettiness aside they mad everything going on.


Starr Carter’s Best Traits

        Bravery is a significant trait of Starr because it is important that she has this bravery to face adversity during this situation of adversity in her school and neighborhood . She needs a lot of bravery since she lives in a neighborhood where she lost both of her closest childhood friends, which were Khalil and Natasha.  She also needs a significant amount of bravery since she speaks out live on an interview where millions of people can watch about Khalil. She does all this knowing the consequences she can face with King and the threats he gives. She stands on a car and speaks out during a riot while throwing gas back at the cops when she knows she could get shot or huge in trouble with her parents as well.


        Another important trait I chose was her ability to care for others. This was not a very obvious trait, but it we depicted it from her actions. For example when her friend Kenya would throw shade at her because she would not speak out about Khalil, Starr really struggled with Kenya feeling that way and it also got to her that she was right. It really pushed her to start posting things about police brutality on twitter and even go live to speak about him, and go on a trial as well.


       Her final trait is that she is an amazing actor. This ties in with one of the quotes we uses in the book that talks exactly about the character she has to be in Williamson which is , Williamson Starr doesn’t use slang—if a rapper would say it, she doesn’t say it, even if her white friends do. Slang makes them cool. Slang makes her “hood.” Williamson Starr holds her tongue when people piss her off so nobody will think she’s the “angry black girl.” Williamson Starr is approachable. No stank-eyes, side-eyes, none of that. Williamson Starr is nonconfrontational. Basically, Williamson Starr doesn’t give anyone a reason to call her ghetto.” She acts all put together without any slang and little anger as possible in any situations to fit in the school.  That is also what most of her friends and boyfriend usually see of her and how to them she is a “different” black personality she is not like the other black people she is more civilized and contained.


Why Public High-schools Are Better Than Private High-schools.

The Students


In private high schools the amount of students are way  less than public high schools which make a lot of differences. And private schools it is way easier to fit in  and make some friends since the greatest so small that you have to atleast find someone to be close to. In public schools it is way harder to fit in since the greatest so big and it is very overwhelming.  At the end of the day there is also a likelihood of getting bullied by at least one kid and just being picked on even though you didn’t do anything.  This may look like private high schools win when it comes to students, but they really do not. Since in private schools it is so easy to fit in with your peers it makes going to college and going into the real world way harder since you have no idea what it really means to find someone that’s your friend and to be OK with people who are picking on you and trying to make your life harder. Public schools prepare you perfectly for that which is the reason why I would love to go to a probably high school.

The Teenage Experience


Everybody always says that public high school is way more fun than private high school. I have heard this from many friends and I am even a witness to this. In private high schools they try to prepare you so much for college that they forget that you have a life. The amount of homework that they give versus public schools is horrendous. It is good that they are trying so hard   to make their students the best of the best but it can be very stressful. The problem with this is that you find students getting so stressed out in high school when in a couple of years they will have to be obviously stressed and in hardship at school since they will be in college and feeling stress in inevitable there. High school should be a break before then and a more relaxing time.

The Realities


Private schools are very expensive on their own especially in comparison to public schools that are perfectly free.  Parents struggle to pay the money when they can just take their kids to public schools. The reality is that in college there will have to be a payment and nothing is free there unless a full scholarship is given which is very unlikely. This is why I don’t see the need for parents to be stretching their savings and salary to pay for something that could be avoided and should really be getting saved until college. Another reality is that at the end of high-school at a private school and at the end of high-school at public most of the students end up getting excepted into the same colleges and end up in the same classes and both start at the same place.


Why The Color White Represents Me

                                         White As Snow 

    White, the color of light, innocence, purity, and cleanliness. It represents the feeling of security even when times are dark. It is the representation of a clean slate and a new beginning. White symbolizes faith in humanity, protection, and peace. While many others see the color white as being boring and bland I see white as representing peace, innocence, and elegance. 


      White to me resembles peace since it is the color of doves. It also is in the Kenyan flag to represent the country as a peaceful nation. I think of heaven and the light of God shining when I think about white. When I was six I lost someone who raised me and whom I loved dearly. My great grandma had passed away and after that I felt my first real heartbreak and sadness. The only thing that gave me hope was knowing that one day I would go to heaven and reunite with her. I also felt comfort and peace in knowing that she was with God where there was no pain and suffering and she was in His presence looking down on me and being my guardian angel.


      Innocence is a quality that many of my friends say I have. It ties together with white since when you think of perfection and purity it comes to mind. Ever since I was in preschool I have never gotten any detentions, bad reports from teachers, or suspensions. Even at home I have never gotten seriously beaten up or even my phone being taken away for more than two hours. I’ve always been the “good child” with perfect behavior, never bad intentions, who always follows the rules and never lies.


     I associate elegance with white since Swans are Snow White and they are very elegant and graceful creatures.  I am not known for my elegance but I display it through my actions and words. I did gymnastics for four years and ballet for two years and they’re both very physical representations of the kind of elegance I had to have and gracefulness. I am generally a very quiet and reserved person when it comes to public speaking, like what I’m doing right now, or when getting to know new people, or even getting called upon by a teacher . Despite this, I never give rude responses to teachers as they do this and always give them the best answer I can give. With public speaking, I still manage to put my words together and fight through all the nerves and tension I have.


     Even though white is a color that is very basic and doesn’t really have much behind it, it can represent so many qualities and symbols. It is the ultimate color that I would use to describe myself as a person and I feel I can relate to what it represents in various ways. It symbolizes hope in times of hardship, it also shows purity and perfection like a little child, but still represents poise and gracefulness of a high person. White is a very calm and reassuring color in general. That’s why I chose it for myself and feel it represents me.


Summer vs Winter vs Spring Fashion



      When it comes to fashion I can proudly say I am simply an expert in the field. I love expressing myself in the clothes and shoes I wear. For some it comes very naturally and for others it doesn’t come as easy. For the people that already know that also love fashion and but feel it is hard knowing what goes with what and what clashes, this is for you. My favorite seasons of fashion are winter and summer. Even though they are very different they are both amazing times to pick cute outfits that will go with season.

     This is a cute and sweet outfit. It is very simple yet still put together. The skirt and black strapless bodysuit really compliment each other in making it girley. The jean jacket adds a touch of edginess which puts the whole  outfit together. The white vans balance the look by making it more cute than edgy since everyone has them and they are just a very classic fashion piece.


     This outfit is one that could also go for spring, but it is better for winter. It is a dip but still comfy look. The sneakers make it look cool and hip since they are in and have a unique color. The crop top tho makes it look very put together and like you actually really thought about the outfit( when you really didn’t). The distressed black jeans give it a comfy look, but still goes with the whole fit


     This outfit is definitely my favorite and something you would call a “baddie fit”which means it looks really nice and cool. The black bodycon strapless dress already is a very cute simple piece, put simple enough do that it doesn’t appear you are going to a place like church, which is not the look you want. The vans make it very laid back but still go with the black of the dress. The white jean jacket ties the outfit together since it is unique from the blue jean jackets usually worn and just gives that outfit the extra push!

My Opinion On GM( Genetically Modified)Food

1264FA70-3D43-4E42-8339-CB73A4DE36B7When it comes to foods that are GM, I do know quite a lot about them, but only about their negative effect . I wrote a 3-5 page essay all about the way GMOs are very bad for you. I wrote about how they should not be allowed and how natural produced organisms are a much better option. It really caused me to believe that GM foods are all very unhealthy and dangerous.


  After reading the articles I read today now I believe that they are actually better being made then then not being made. For example, since the first GM foods were created no adverse health effects among consumers have been found. So many people who eat this everyday including myself have not been found with any life threatening health problems.


The GM foods also are very convenient to people that don’t have much money since they are easier to make and way cheaper than organic foods. Another reason they are safe is because 90% of scientists who are dedicated to these types of studies believe there is no harm. This shows how we really should not be so scared or so worried of GMOs, since people who actually look into many researches and test numerous hings believe that they don’t harm people in any way. The most surprising thing read today that completely changed the way I saw GMOs was was how GMOs actually cause less toxin in the crops since they fight off bacteria and insects so farmers don’t have to use pesticides, which are not good for humans at all.  That finding was very hypocritical to the whole point of GMOs being a very harmful and unhealthy alternative to organic organisms.


  The only thing I would say that really should be enforced is labeling every food that is GM. This is so no one becomes angry at the fact they are eating GM foods without knowing. This is also so when people get illnesses that are not tied with GM foods they don’t blame it on the food. Everyone will then know what  they are consuming when they are buying a GM food. It is very important to just be aware of what is going in your body so that it doesn’t leave you surprised or confused on your health.

How the New Malaria Vaccine is Effecting Children In Africa.


Malaria kills about 450,000 people a year. All around Africa many children are dying from Malaria. Over the last 15 years, the death rate has been reduced by more than half by funded efforts to hand out free mosquito nets, spray homes with insecticide and treat people with a new generation of medicine.


  Despite all the efforts to stop the widespread of malaria, and the death rate being reduced, more death has been increasing. This is since there is not a lot of money to help the overpopulation in Africa. Another reason is that resistance to some new drugs have come. Making new ways to treat this is very important as Africa really needs a breakthrough for their people. So scientists have made the malaria vaccine.


This vaccine is extremely dangerous, but a risk Africans are willing to take to save the lives of their people. From it there are pros, but then again also cons. It is convenient since a child must receive four injections before the age of two sometimes at intervals that are not the same as other vaccine schedules for other diseases. Another con is that the vaccine is only partly effective. After testing 10,000 African children from 2009 to 2014 studies showed that it only prevented 40% of detectable malaria infections. Though a pro is that the vaccine reduce 30% of the occurrence of severe malaria. This was extremely good since severe malaria had a 60% chance of killing those children. Even though Africa is taking a big risk in putting malaria in many children hopefully they’ll find a way to get the best of both worlds and save numerous lives.